Wednesday, 30 May 2007

News about my own country-Text Based Skill 2 (Week 10)-2nd Draft

Over the past 20 years, China has created a huge economic miracle, and the political reform also attracts tourists around the world who are already interested in Chinese history and culture. This is a link to an article from the Telegraph in the United Kingdom. According to a report by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), China, the world's fifth most popular tourist destination, will be the biggest one to visit by 2020. It was predicted by the that around 130 million people would come to visit China for the next 15 years. China has a large number of places to visit, however, most people are interested in the Great Wall, the Three Gorges, the Terracotta Army in Xi'an, Shanghai and the Forbidden City in Beijing. China is a large country with a population of 1.3 billion. More and more Chinese people will also go to visit other countries. The WTO stated that China would become the fourth-largest exporter of tourists by 2000, because the Chinese government has relaxed the restrictions, and allowed its people to go overseas.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Lecture summary—Helping others (oral skill 2 week ten)

By Cindy

Lecturer: Dave Griffiths
This lecture is about how to help others with First Aid skills. Firstly, we have to make sure we are safety before we help the others. For example, if someone collapses, we have to check if there is any electricity around the person. Secondly, we need to move the person and ask him/her some questions. Next first aid step is to give a 'kiss of life’( don't forget put some thing between mouthes) it would be very safety for both. Then start CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) with a rhythm. It is necessary to use two hands for adults, and only use one hand for children. And be aware of checking is very important rather than ring ambulance straight way. Of course we don't need to pay when we calling ambulance but we do have to pay when the person got sick. It is very useful information for us to help others in the first minute.

Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Summary-International news about my country-Text Based Skill 2 (Week 10)-1st Draft

Over the past 20 years, China has created a huge economic miracle, and the political reform also boosts China to be an attractive tourist destination for people around the world who are already interested in its history and culture. This is a link to an article from the Telegraph in United Kingdom. According to the report delivered by the World Tourism Organization(WTO), China, the world's fifth most popular tourist destination, will be the biggest one by 2020. In Tourism 2020 Vision, it is predicted that the number of tourists visiting China will rise to 130 million a year over the next 15 years. Among the most popular tourist sites are the Great Wall, the Three Gorges, the Terracotta Army in Xi'an, Shanghai and the Forbidden City in Beijing.

China, with a population of 1.3 billion, will also become the fourth-largest exporter of tourists by 2020, according to another WTO report. The Chinese government has been steadily relaxing restrictions and allowing its people to visit more countries.

Monday, 14 May 2007

Movie review oral skill—2 (week five)

The movie is based on a true story. The stroy took place in Southern California in the mid of 1990s. Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts), a divorced mother of two children, had a financial problem to survive when she got car accident. Her lawyer Ed Masry promised to get compensation from the accident. Unfortunately, she lost the lawsuit because she was very emotional in speaking foul language. The jury had a negative impression on her and rejected her claim.

She decided to work for her previous lawyer Ed Masry as an assistant because she could not find any job which was suitable for her.

One day, she discovered that many people got very sick in a small desert town named Hinkley. She began to investigate what was happening in this area. Her research showed that many people, including children and adults, have got cancer in this town. She took some water from local lake and brought back for an assay. The result showed that there was a so-called Hexalent Chromium in the water. It significantly meant that it was the toxic water that lead to the cancer in that area.

Local people decided to take the Pacific Gas Electric Company, a big company in that area, to a court for trial. People were struggling to fight against the company, and finally, Erin, who was on behalf of those poor people, won the lawsuit with her strong determination and incredible energy.

It is a lovely story, and I am really touched by it from the bottom of my heart.

Diploma Trip Text Based Skill-2 (draft one, week nine)

Unitec Diploma trip on 1st of may 2007. I had a great time with classmates and lecturers. As a planning we were going to La Vinci Café between 9:30 to 10 am then going to picnic at Cornwallis Beach. I was so excited!
In the morning around 9 o’clock we met at Unitec campus, building 48. Flint and Tarik went with Buchao's car, Helen, Anita and Buchao’s daughter came with my car. I had to follow Bucaho’s car because I was not familiar with the place where we were going to. The interesting thing was Flint brought his interphones for us just in case if I got lost. We were kept talking; joking even singing when we on the way to La Vinci Café. I had a simple breakfast, blueberry muffin (it’s my favorite) and flat white coffee. That was really good place for meal with beautiful surroundings.
We finished morning tea then straight to Huia point to start fishing (Helen, Flint, Tarik, Buchao and his daughter, Anita and I). It was just beautiful day for fishing. During lunch time, I couldn’t believed that we had got a lot of nice food; like spicy chicken, dumplings, vegetable salad with sea food, chicken wings, cake drinks and fruits etc.
By the end of day, nobody wanted to leave until we can see the moon. I think we were too enjoyed fishing especially Anita, she’s so happy when she caught fish. We’ve got some pippers and small snappers, but we had to release them. We shared experience of fishing, I learnt a lot from others. I enjoyed sunshiny on the beach and had a lot of fun with classmates. It was good way to relax for me from busy study wish we can have it again in the future.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

2nd Comparison two pictures Oral Based—skill 2 (wek 8)

These two pictures are related to study methods of different level students. The first one, preschool students are drawing and sitting on the ground in disorder. And the second one is primary school students who are separated as a group to study through computer. There are some advantages for both different study methods. For example, studying in freedom atmosphere would help preschool students to develop their feeling of art. It is not necessary to put them in order while in the painting class. In comparison, primary school students need to pay attention to study; sitting in well-organized classroom will help them focus on study.In my opinion, both study methods are very good for different level students. Preschool students need a space to free their imagination and build up interest of art. And primary school students require a good lessons environment to help them concentrate on their study.

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

The summary of ‘climate panel goes for nuclear option’ Text--based skill 2 (week 8)

By Cindy

Regarding how to reduce the global warming, the climate change experts have serious trouble with environmentalists about the development of nuclear power and usage of biofuel products. The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) gave a measure about how to deal with the rising of temperature and stop the situation from getting the worst. This measure will help to prevent temperature from rising. There is an argument between climate change experts and environmentalists. Australia Prime Minister John Howard promised to reduce the exporting of uranium and develop nuclear power industry. By doing this, it will reduce the global warming. However, some experts said it would have very little effect on avoiding catastrophe. This means it will only reduce 0.2 to 0.6 percent on global warming. On the other hand, nuclear power and usage of boifuel products could also bring huge damage to our environment. Finally, environmentalists suggested that people's lifestyles should be changed.

There are 31 active voice and three passive voice in this article.
There is one simple passive, one past perfect passive, one simple past passive and two reduced passives.

Monday, 7 May 2007

Domestic news headlines-Oral Based Skill 2

  • Listen to the domestic newspaper headlines from 30 April, choose one of them summarize then identify three pronunciation features:
    There are six News Headlines on ‘National Radio’ breakfast show morning report from main domestic newspapers.
    The Herald: two stories
    Dominion Post: two stories
    The Press: one story
    Otago Daily Times: one story
  • I’d like to transcript the second news ‘the climate change expert and environmentalist will clash over proposals to fight global warming’.
  • 1. weak form-schwa------------ to/∂ / fight2. consonant to vowel linking---------- clash /∂ /over3. sounds disappear------------ fight/g/ global

Thursday, 3 May 2007

My Break Text Based--skill 2 (week 7)

Escaping from the busy study, my husband and I went to KareKare beach on 9th of April for break. KareKare beach is located in the west of Auckland, where is not far away from PiHa.KareKare beach is famous for its appearance in the film The Piano, with cliffs, raging surf and black sand. It takes about 30-35 minutes by car from Newlynn, Auckland. From the piture you can see that I was wearing a diving suit for swimming because the water was a little bit cold, that's why I put on a diving suit covered whole of my body in order to keep myself warm. To my surprise, there were some Kiwi people swmming in the cold water with only small swimming suits. Probably they were not afraid to catch a cold, or maybe they just had already got used to the cold water. Besides swimming, we also went fishing and caught so many fishes. We let the small-sized fish went back to the ocean, and only took back some big fishes home. We had a lovely "fish dinner" at that night. Anybody who wants to share the fishing or swimming experiences with me, please comment on my Blog, and I will be so happy to go together with you to KareKare beach when I am available some day in the future.