Wednesday, 30 May 2007

News about my own country-Text Based Skill 2 (Week 10)-2nd Draft

Over the past 20 years, China has created a huge economic miracle, and the political reform also attracts tourists around the world who are already interested in Chinese history and culture. This is a link to an article from the Telegraph in the United Kingdom. According to a report by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), China, the world's fifth most popular tourist destination, will be the biggest one to visit by 2020. It was predicted by the that around 130 million people would come to visit China for the next 15 years. China has a large number of places to visit, however, most people are interested in the Great Wall, the Three Gorges, the Terracotta Army in Xi'an, Shanghai and the Forbidden City in Beijing. China is a large country with a population of 1.3 billion. More and more Chinese people will also go to visit other countries. The WTO stated that China would become the fourth-largest exporter of tourists by 2000, because the Chinese government has relaxed the restrictions, and allowed its people to go overseas.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

你好cindy 我是Rebecca 2005年和你一起在unitec学花艺 我现在回到新西兰了 迫切地想找到你!!我的电话09-4258748 02102739569 email 请与我联系啊!