Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Lecture summary—Helping others (oral skill 2 week ten)

By Cindy

Lecturer: Dave Griffiths
This lecture is about how to help others with First Aid skills. Firstly, we have to make sure we are safety before we help the others. For example, if someone collapses, we have to check if there is any electricity around the person. Secondly, we need to move the person and ask him/her some questions. Next first aid step is to give a 'kiss of life’( don't forget put some thing between mouthes) it would be very safety for both. Then start CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) with a rhythm. It is necessary to use two hands for adults, and only use one hand for children. And be aware of checking is very important rather than ring ambulance straight way. Of course we don't need to pay when we calling ambulance but we do have to pay when the person got sick. It is very useful information for us to help others in the first minute.

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