Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Summary-International news about my country-Text Based Skill 2 (Week 10)-1st Draft

Over the past 20 years, China has created a huge economic miracle, and the political reform also boosts China to be an attractive tourist destination for people around the world who are already interested in its history and culture. This is a link to an article from the Telegraph in United Kingdom. According to the report delivered by the World Tourism Organization(WTO), China, the world's fifth most popular tourist destination, will be the biggest one by 2020. In Tourism 2020 Vision, it is predicted that the number of tourists visiting China will rise to 130 million a year over the next 15 years. Among the most popular tourist sites are the Great Wall, the Three Gorges, the Terracotta Army in Xi'an, Shanghai and the Forbidden City in Beijing.

China, with a population of 1.3 billion, will also become the fourth-largest exporter of tourists by 2020, according to another WTO report. The Chinese government has been steadily relaxing restrictions and allowing its people to visit more countries.

1 comment:

kyle chan said...

Hi, Cindy, you also did very well in your blog home work.

Thank you.