Monday, 14 May 2007

Diploma Trip Text Based Skill-2 (draft one, week nine)

Unitec Diploma trip on 1st of may 2007. I had a great time with classmates and lecturers. As a planning we were going to La Vinci Café between 9:30 to 10 am then going to picnic at Cornwallis Beach. I was so excited!
In the morning around 9 o’clock we met at Unitec campus, building 48. Flint and Tarik went with Buchao's car, Helen, Anita and Buchao’s daughter came with my car. I had to follow Bucaho’s car because I was not familiar with the place where we were going to. The interesting thing was Flint brought his interphones for us just in case if I got lost. We were kept talking; joking even singing when we on the way to La Vinci Café. I had a simple breakfast, blueberry muffin (it’s my favorite) and flat white coffee. That was really good place for meal with beautiful surroundings.
We finished morning tea then straight to Huia point to start fishing (Helen, Flint, Tarik, Buchao and his daughter, Anita and I). It was just beautiful day for fishing. During lunch time, I couldn’t believed that we had got a lot of nice food; like spicy chicken, dumplings, vegetable salad with sea food, chicken wings, cake drinks and fruits etc.
By the end of day, nobody wanted to leave until we can see the moon. I think we were too enjoyed fishing especially Anita, she’s so happy when she caught fish. We’ve got some pippers and small snappers, but we had to release them. We shared experience of fishing, I learnt a lot from others. I enjoyed sunshiny on the beach and had a lot of fun with classmates. It was good way to relax for me from busy study wish we can have it again in the future.

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