Thursday, 3 May 2007

My Break Text Based--skill 2 (week 7)

Escaping from the busy study, my husband and I went to KareKare beach on 9th of April for break. KareKare beach is located in the west of Auckland, where is not far away from PiHa.KareKare beach is famous for its appearance in the film The Piano, with cliffs, raging surf and black sand. It takes about 30-35 minutes by car from Newlynn, Auckland. From the piture you can see that I was wearing a diving suit for swimming because the water was a little bit cold, that's why I put on a diving suit covered whole of my body in order to keep myself warm. To my surprise, there were some Kiwi people swmming in the cold water with only small swimming suits. Probably they were not afraid to catch a cold, or maybe they just had already got used to the cold water. Besides swimming, we also went fishing and caught so many fishes. We let the small-sized fish went back to the ocean, and only took back some big fishes home. We had a lovely "fish dinner" at that night. Anybody who wants to share the fishing or swimming experiences with me, please comment on my Blog, and I will be so happy to go together with you to KareKare beach when I am available some day in the future.

1 comment:

kyle chan said...

please put an "a" before "break"