Friday, 20 April 2007

Police hunt for Virginia Tech killer's motives

The news is about a horrific shooting event happened at Virginia Tech University 17th April. This news item came from the New Zealand herald under world news 18 April 2007. In this article, the main content including a briefly introduction of the incident, then focus on the shooter’s background and and some experts made analysis of why it happened at the university campus, and its impact on society and the public.

I’ve read through a few times, I find the author wrote this article in different verb form to express with some relevant information, mainly using past simple form. Some present perfect forms to explain shooter’s history. There are some simple present forms and some past perfect forms as well. From the article, I've learnt some of useful methods, such as how to protect myself when incident takes place.


kyle chan said...

wow, nice writing.

Ron said...

Good comments, Cindy