Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Recommend a Book

This is a interesting book which I would like to recommend. It is about gardening. The book name is 'The Art of Gardening'. This book was wriiten by Colin Hutchinson, and published by Whitcoulls in 2003. It came from my boss as a Christmas gift two years ago (I was working for her as a professional florist). When I read through it, I found it was a very interesting book. The book contains many information related to fowers. It introduces about 5000 plants, including each plant's growth habit, history and culture. It was really helpful and useful to me when I studied floristry. I've learnt a lot from this book. I remember one day I bought two hydrangea plants. I planted it in my garden, but after a few weeks I found the hydrangea flower was different from the one I was expecting and that was strange to me. I read my book and later found the answer! I had put it in different soil (acidity and alkalescency). Now I know how to look after my plants and make my garden nicer. This book also teaches readers how to plan and design a perfect garden. You can see over 500 beautiful colour photographs and landscape drawings. Every time I open this book I feel so happy. No wonder people say plants have a life-force. I think beautiful flowers not only have a life-force, they also bring us so many coloures and beauty to this world. So I strongly recommend this book to you. I bet you will get the same feeling as me.

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