Monday, 30 April 2007

Globalization on my life

Globalization affects many things in the world, such as cultural, economic and political. Globalization changes my life.

Fist of all, the effect of globalization influences my culture background. For example, I missed spring festival every year since I came to New Zealand 2003. Now I start adopting new culture to approach western way of life. Some other traditional occasions have been changed as well, like
Double Ninth Festival, Qingming Festival, traditional weddings and birthday celebrations etc. In addition, family ties are all far away for me to be in touch. Further more, mother tongue has been changed in English as communication.

Secondly, with the development of economic that chain stores are very popular nowadays, as every body knows McDonald, KFC, BP, Nike and Puma etc. living in a multi-culture county New Zealand is very convenient to find different types of restaurants. For instance, Korean, Indian, Thai and Chinese restaurant. I have got so many choices now.

Finally, the affects of globalization occur in positive and negative in many ways. It is having a significant impact in my life.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Comparison of two pictures

Well both of these pictures are related to vegetable and fruit industry but located in different area. The fist one is inside the supermarket and the second one is placed at local market. some people prefer supermarket some others like local market.

To start with supermarkets, many people think supermarket are very convenient. Because they can use trolley helping them to carry a lot of stuff, especially to old people and disable people even some special trolley for children to sit in. Secondly, supermarket open long hours (many of them open 24 hours), no time limited customer can go anytime. Thirdly, it is easy to find variety goods in the same area, in other words, save a lot of time. Furthermore, supermarkets are quiet and clean with good shopping surroundings. In comparison, the local markets seem to be a bit noise and more people shop around. Customers have to carry the stuff by themselves and local markets finish earlier. But they have got best offer to customers. For instance, good price, more choices and fresher, that’s why people like local markets.

In my opinion there are some more advantages from supermarkets, but I pretty much like local market. Because I think it could be a part of exercise for me that I can walk around and enjoying the sunshine. In addition, purchasing at local market also helps local small business survival.

Friday, 20 April 2007

Police hunt for Virginia Tech killer's motives

The news is about a horrific shooting event happened at Virginia Tech University 17th April. This news item came from the New Zealand herald under world news 18 April 2007. In this article, the main content including a briefly introduction of the incident, then focus on the shooter’s background and and some experts made analysis of why it happened at the university campus, and its impact on society and the public.

I’ve read through a few times, I find the author wrote this article in different verb form to express with some relevant information, mainly using past simple form. Some present perfect forms to explain shooter’s history. There are some simple present forms and some past perfect forms as well. From the article, I've learnt some of useful methods, such as how to protect myself when incident takes place.

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Recommend a Book

This is a interesting book which I would like to recommend. It is about gardening. The book name is 'The Art of Gardening'. This book was wriiten by Colin Hutchinson, and published by Whitcoulls in 2003. It came from my boss as a Christmas gift two years ago (I was working for her as a professional florist). When I read through it, I found it was a very interesting book. The book contains many information related to fowers. It introduces about 5000 plants, including each plant's growth habit, history and culture. It was really helpful and useful to me when I studied floristry. I've learnt a lot from this book. I remember one day I bought two hydrangea plants. I planted it in my garden, but after a few weeks I found the hydrangea flower was different from the one I was expecting and that was strange to me. I read my book and later found the answer! I had put it in different soil (acidity and alkalescency). Now I know how to look after my plants and make my garden nicer. This book also teaches readers how to plan and design a perfect garden. You can see over 500 beautiful colour photographs and landscape drawings. Every time I open this book I feel so happy. No wonder people say plants have a life-force. I think beautiful flowers not only have a life-force, they also bring us so many coloures and beauty to this world. So I strongly recommend this book to you. I bet you will get the same feeling as me.

The Summary of Student Funding Centre

The lecturer Annette from Unitec student funding service, on 27 Mar 2007, g
ave us a lot of useful information. The main content including: how to apply for student loan and allowance, and how to manage and control money. There are some good ideas how we can increase our income. For instance, apply for awards, scholarships and grants. Get a job from school job research or career and employment center. Another good suggestion that she gave us was how to reduce our expense. To find more information from and Student job search service helps us to find a suitable job for a particular reason, such as full time, part time, casual. The student funding service will account for our financial problems while we are studying at Unitec.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

About me

Hello everyone, my name is Cindy. I come from DaLian , a city located in Northeast China. Dalian is a beautiful coastal city. The climate in DaLian is similar to Auckland. I have been in New Zealand for four years.The lifestyle here is so casual and relaxing, and people are so nice to me. I like New Zealand so much that I have decided to apply for citizenship of New Zealand. One of my Kiwi friend said 'become a Kiwi can not fly'. During my free time I enjoy listening to music, playing tennis and jogging. However, swimming is my favorite sport. I remember that I had won an award for swimming when I was a little girl.

The picture on the left hand was taken from the Interflor Conference last year when I was modeling a bridal at a bouquet. It was really exciting for me to do something different.

I had been working at Andrea's florist in New Lynn for the past two years and in the meantime I was a part-time stududent at Unitec in the commercial floristry course. I had learnt a lot from my former boss Lee Smith(see the picture below). She is an artist who always has creative ideas.

For me, it was really hard to make a decision whether quit my loved job or becomed a full-time student at Unitec because I was so happy working as a florist. However, I need to improve my English for my future working career.

So far, I am satisfied with my study life at Unitec and I have made some new friends on campus. Hopefully, all of us are enjoying our study.